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Dyslexic learners and their futures

Dyslexia is a learning difference experienced by one in ten people that affects reading and writing ability, occasionally leading to difficulties with time management and memory. 

However, there are many positives to having dyslexia. 

Dyslexia enhances skills in many different areas, meaning these individuals are often the ideal candidates for many jobs. These jobs for dyslexic people may require abilities such as creativity, problem-solving, or seeing the bigger picture, all of which dyslexics are often found to be strong at.

Henry Winkler gives advice to a dyslexic learner.

Common dyslexic strengths are:


Dyslexics are often very creative individuals. 

This is because they are often trying to find other ways to solve problems, learn things differently, or make things easier, giving them the capability to think outside the box


Strengths in spatial awareness and pattern recognition mean that dyslexics tend to be able to design graphics, structures, and even buildings, in ways that others haven't considered. 

This makes them groundbreaking innovators.


A common misconception is that dyslexic people are poor communicators, but it is usually a strength for them. 

Having to explain how you live with dyslexia in a way that is easy for others to grasp requires strong communication skills. 

Big Picture

Another common strength is being able to consider the bigger picture. 

Dyslexics are promising entrepreneurs and managers, as they can look past the detail and focus on what matters - and they've been doing it their entire lives! 

    Dyslexic Hacks podcast series

    Text to display as alt tag

    Arran Smith discusses what are the strengths of being a dyslexic learner

    What about problem-solving if you are a dyslexic learner?

    Arran Smith discusses what are the career pathways for a dyslexic learner.

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