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Web Filtering in Schools 

for DSL Teams

The DSL has lead responsibility for web filtering, which includes complying with the DfE standards. This page is to support your journey towards this - whether you are a beginner or have worked for years with your technical teams to better understand and effectively manage filtering - which is all about keeping children safe. Scroll down for videos, slides and other resources.

First Steps and Sharing with Governors

If you are getting involved in filtering for the very first time, watch this⤴️

Safeguarding Shorts, Web filtering for DSLs & SLT

Join our free filtering course for DSLs and SLT to find out what you need⤴️ (free for all schools, relevant to all providers)

Share⤴️ with governors (and recommend our free governor training)

Filtering and monitoring standards for schools and colleges

Remember to read the actual standards⤴️ and watch our KCSIE video

Key Terms: Overblocking, Filtering vs Monitoring, Decryption

Save more than you spend and keep children safe

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